Who Does Nail & Foot Fungus Affect?
Fungal infections can occur at any age but nail and foot fungus is more common in elderly people.
Athlete’s foot is more commonly occurring in athletes and people who wear tight-fitting shoes with sweaty feet.
How Does Nail & Foot Fungus Occur?
Fungal infections occur in cases of low immunity or when feet are kept damp.
In older age, the nails crack due to drying out and becoming brittle. This allows fungi to enter the nail bed. Combined with reduced blood circulation and a weakened immune system, an infection can develop.
Causes of Nail & Foot Fungus
Causes of nail and foot fungus and athlete’s foot include:
- Tight fitting shoes with damp socks due to sweaty feet
- Sharing personal clothes or shoes with someone who already has a fungal infection
- Lowered immune system and old age
- Diabetes
- History of Athlete’s foot (it can become recurring).
Symptoms of Nail & Foot Fungus
Symptoms of Athlete’s foot include:
- A scaly red rash +/- small blisters
- White, macerated, cracked skin between the toes
- Itchy feet
Symptoms for nail fungus (Onychomycosis) include:
- Discoloured nails - either yellow/brown or white
- Brittle nails that be distorted in shape
- Thickened nails
- Nails may have a foul odour
How Is Nail & Foot Fungus Diagnosed?
The diagnosis for nail and foot fungus and athlete’s foot is made by visual inspection of the feet and taking history.
Furthermore, nail clippings and skin samples can be collected and sent to a pathology lab for analysis. This can help determine the organism causing the infection.
How is Nail & Foot Fungus Treated?
Nail and foot fungus and Athlete’s foot can be treated by:
- Using over the counter antifungal medication (ointment, spray, powder or lotion form)
- Prescription oral antifungal drugs which work faster than topical solutions
- Antifungal nail polish and antifungal cream
- In severe cases of nail fungus, a doctor may recommend permanent nail removal to treat the infection and pain.
What if Nail & Foot Fungus is Untreated?
If left untreated, nail and foot fungus can result in permanent damage to
the nails. In patients with diabetes, nail fungus can cause further severe complications as well.If athlete’s foot is left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body including the hands, nails and groin, as well as spread to other people.